Students and WA – Jenny Dean, who works for the Student Community Partnership which links the two Universities, the Students’ Unions and the Council, and Sally Williamson, Community Officer for Bath University, joined us at our meeting on Tuesday. Students are looking to become involved in the local community and it soon became clear in our discussion that they have many skills in marketing, event management and website design, amongst others, which could be of use to both WA and the local community and, additionally, provide them with valuable experience. Two of our committee members will be meeting with Sally and Jenny to take these ideas forward.Students are already showing their wish to become involved in the community by organising a Ceilidh on April 12th at St Mark’s Community Centre. This will be an event for both students and the local community, so put it in your diaries now and see the website for more details nearer the time.
AGM – Our AGM will be held on Thursday 24 th April at 7.30pm at Widcombe C. of E. Junior School. We look forward to seeing you there. Our main speaker will be Peter Rignall, Manager of Bath Spa Station. We hope also to have a short talk by John Isserlis of Julian House who will give a brief overview of services available to homeless people and contact points for those concerned by either their presence or behaviour in the locality.
Rossiter Road – After many years and much hard work, particularly on the part of the Rossiter Road Sub-committee, the Rossiter Road scheme is becoming a reality with work having started on Monday with the tree felling at the bottom of Lyncombe Hill. Although it looks rather bare at present, the plan includes tree replanting once the engineering works are complete. New trees will include a significant landmark London Plane tree and silver birches along with others.
EEW – Among other works, EEW is making an initial assessment of 20 houses using Transitions Bath’s thermal imaging camera to show where energy ‘leaks’ occur.EEW is working with both Widcombe Junior and Widcombe Infants schools to raise energy awareness amongst the children. A recent assembly at the Infant School was very well received and will be followed up with more in depth energy awareness workshops.
Beechen Cliff School – Our Chairman had a friendly and constructive meeting with the School Governors. We await their views on how communications between the school and the community can be improved.