Heritage Lottery Fund Bid – A number of local partners including the Council, FoBRA and the National Trust are submitting a bid for funding to protect the landscape setting of Bath. We would welcome members’ ideas of appropriate ways to spend this funding for inclusion in this bid, which has to be submitted by the end of May.
The safety of pedestrian routes at the bottom of Wellsway – Concern has been expressed about the safety of walking routes at the bottom of Wellsway. PCSO Jonathan Bintcliffe has been looking into this and has suggested the possible trimming of several trees. The subway is also of some concern.
Meeting with Beechen Cliff School Chair of Governors – Chairman Paddy Doyle will be meeting with the Chair of the Governors on February 12 th. It is hoped that this will enable a harmonious relationship to be established between the school and the wider Widcombe community.
Annual Subscriptions – After many years without a rise in subscription charges, it is felt that these will need to be raised as from January 2015. This will be discussed at the AGM on April 24 th.
Halfpenny Bridge – The plan to install lighting on the bridge is receiving the active attention of B&NES Highways department and is expected to go ahead. It is likely that the WA will have to produce the lion’s share of the cost of the project.