Dear Member
The Annual General Meeting of the Widcombe Association will be held on Wednesday 1 May at 7.30pm at Widcombe Social Club. All members are invited to attend.
Members of the Association who wish to raise an item of business at the meeting should provide written notice to the Secretary at secretary@widcombeassociation.org.uk no later than 17 April.
One item to be discussed is a proposed change to the Rules of Procedure within the Constitution and the Committee is required to give advance notice of this.
Rule 7 covers Meetings of the Association and Rule 7.1 sentence 2 currently states: “At least 10 clear days’ notice (of the meeting) shall be given to each member.”
Rule 7.2 states: “Any two members of the Association wishing to raise an item of business at a General meeting shall be entitled to have such business added to the agenda provided not less than 14 clear days written notice is given to the Secretary.”
As this stands, anyone wishing to table an item of business might not know when the meeting was due to be held and therefore would not be able to meet the requirements of Rules.
The Committee is therefore proposing a Rule amendment to delete ‘10’ in Rule 7.1 and insert ‘21’.
Following the formal business of the meeting, Dan Merrett from Bathscape will give a presentation on their work and will take questions from the floor.
We look forward to seeing you on 1 May.
Please note that this message is for WA members only and has been sent exclusively to subscription holders. Joint members will not receive this message directly but it may be shared with them.
Best wishes
Mike Wrigley, WA Chair and committee
Website: http://www.widcombeassociation.org.uk/
Instagram: widcombeassociation
Twitter: @widcombe_bath
Facebook: @widcombe