Students and WA – We had further discussion about how to involve the student population in WA. We will be contacting the teaching staff at the Universities to explore the possibility of students using their expertise, particularly in marketing, branding and website design and maintenance, to assist WA whilst including this work as part of a course project. There is also scope for involving students as part of the Lloyds Scholar Scheme, which provides funding to students who, in return, commit to 100 hours of community work.We would like to remind you that the students are organising a Ceilidh on April 12 th at St Mark’s Community Centre. This will be an event for both students and the local community. Doors will open at 6.30pm and the event will end at 10.00pm. Tickets £5 on the door.
AGM – Our AGM will be held on Thursday 24 th April at 7.30pm at Widcombe C. of E. Junior School. We look forward to seeing you there. Our main speaker will be Peter Rignall, Manager of Bath Spa Station. John Isserlis, of Julian House, will give a brief overview of services available to homeless people and contact points for those concerned by either their presence or behaviour in the locality. We end with a glass of wine and nibbles and time to talk to your committee and each other.
Rossiter Road – The road safety audit has been completed and the audit exceptions report and any amendments to the scheme should shortly be available to view on the scheme website. Check the link on the Widcombe websitehttp:// come along to the AGM for the latest up-date on works to Widcombe Parade.
Road Closures – We have received notice of the closures of Bathwick Hill and Widcombe Hill during April for resurfacing work to take place. You will shortly be receiving a ‘round robin’ letter with fuller details.