Wednesday October 14th Garden Club– “The Georgian Gardens of Jane Austen”
Monday October 19th Local History talk – “The Lost Mills of Widcombe”
Wednesday November 18th Garden Club –“John Tucker’s Swansong – a look at running Prior Park Garden Centre over the years”
Saturday November 21st Craft Fair
Thursday December 3rd Christmas Lights switch on in Widcombe Parade with late night shopping. Please note that the date for this event has been changed from November 19th as originally advertised.
WA Autumn Meeting – This will take place on Thursday October 22nd at 7.30pm in the Hall at Widcombe Junior School. Our speaker will be Tim Boden, General Manager for the National Trust in Bath, who will speak on: “The Vision for the National Trust in Bath and its engagement with Widcombe”.
“Question Time” – As part of our drive to become more inclusive of our members and local residents, we will be turning over part of our Autumn Meeting to a BBC style ‘Question Time”. We hope this will give you an opportunity to ask questions and raise concerns about what is going on in our area. I will shortly be sending full details of how this will work in a ‘round robin’ letter.
Consultation on the Eastern Park and Ride – This consultation is open until midnight on October 17th. If you feel this P & R is much needed to help reduce the traffic into the city, we hope you will add your voice to the consultation. The link is: http ://www . bathnes . gov . uk/consultations/east-bath-park-ride-proposals
Planting on the Parade – Planting in the beds at the eastern and western ends of the Rossiter Road scheme is due to be completed by BANES. The Rossiter Road subcommittee has received the planting plan and suggested a few modifications. We look forward to the ‘greening’ of the area.