Here is our usual roundup of events, news and updates.
Widcombe Christmas Market – 19/20 November 2022
This popular event will be held at three locations at the bottom of Widcombe Hill. Full details will be in the centre pages of the magazine being distributed next weekend or at www.widcombechristmasmarket.co.uk. Please come along and see what is on offer from 50 fabulous local artisans with refreshments at the WSC and St Matts (the later in support of Dorothy House – Saturday only).
Garden Club – Wednesday 16 November – 7.30 at Widcombe Social Club
Gill Hazell will talk about gladiolus, most of which come from South Africa. W.A.Members £4 Non Members £5 (on the door). https://widcombe-association.whitefuse.net/events/so-you-think-you-know-gladiolus to book your place. Parking by kind permission of John Leach at the Prior Park Garden Centre
Paragon School – planning application
The Paragon School has submitted a planning application – reference 22/03922/FUL – for the erection of a two-storey extension and tree house. This is to the east elevation of the Stable and Coach House Block at Lyncombe House to provide additional school space with associated car parking and landscaping to southeast and southwest of the site. The school have confirmed that there will not be an increase in pupils or car parking it is about improving the quality of their teaching facilities. You may wish to look at this – the deadline for comment is 10 November.
Voi Scooters
Unfortunately, our request for contact with Voi locally and through the responsible council officer has not yet had a response which is disappointing. However, there seems to be improvements on the ground. We understand the issue of scooters left on upper Widcombe Hill may have been contributed to by a geo-fencing issue (the system that restricts where Voi scooters can go). There certainly seem to be less left on the hill now. Please continue to feedback as we will try again to make contact.
Active Travel – Citizens Panel report
Finally, the report on the Citizens Panel on active travel schemes, including from the City to North Road, was published at the end of last week. The link is https://beta.bathnes.gov.uk/citizens-panel-active-travel and we understand it is due to be considered at the Council’s Cabinet meeting on the 10 November. We will be reflecting on its findings but at first glance they would seem to broadly concur with the Association’s views.
Local Plan Consultation
B&NES have announced the start of the process of drawing up a new Local Plan for the district to provide a framework of policies for development for the next 20 years. The Launch document is available online along with a questionnaire, which residents are encouraged to use to respond. This phase of the consultation closes on 15 November and this is the link: https://beta.bathnes.gov.uk/local-plan-launch-document-consultation
Best wishes
Jeremy Boss and the WA main committee
Social Media Links
Stay in contact with your community and follow what is going on:
Website: www.widcombeassociation.org.uk
Instagram: widcombeassociation
Twitter: @widcombe_bath
Facebook: @widcombe