Happy New Year and best wishes for 2023. Here is to an even more vibrant Widcombe to live in, work in or visit this year! The Mummers welcomed in the New Year in our traditional Widcombe way, joined by bumper crowds and the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Michelle O’Doherty. Garden Club with John Tucker – 18 January 2023 (ZOOM) Our next Garden Club date for your diary will help to clear away the winter blues with the ever-popular John Tucker and his latest talk “Ready, Steady, Go for summer!” topical tips for all things gardening. You can register online at https://widcombe-association.whitefuse.net/events/john-tucker-zoom-talk . The talk is available for free, but we would appreciate a small voluntary donation to help cover costs. Eco Poster competition open to all – still time to enter: Why not design an entry for Eco Poster competition to help make a difference. There are four different categories to covering all ages and adults. The deadline for entries is 30 January 2023. You can find more details at https://forms.gle/MSzxiMZpmevkYsq39 …. and there are prizes! Go Green Widcombe: IDDEA Solar Panel Bulk Buy Discount Update: Since we gave the update on Go Green Widcombe’s Bulk Buy Solar Panel Agreement with IDDEA, in the Winter edition of the Widcombe Magazine, we have been informed that the discount is no longer a minimum of 15%. Due to the massive increase in energy costs, the demand for Solar Panel installations has sky-rocketed, according to UK Government data installations up to 4kW have more than doubled. This has led to issues with getting key components and, not surprisingly, a large increase in equipment costs. Consequently, IDDEA have had to revise their prices. This has resulted in the Bulk Buy Discount being reduced to 10%. If you’ve applied for an installation by IDDEA in the past month then you’re almost certainly on the new 10% discount rate. However, if you applied earlier than that you’ll have to check with IDDEA to find out whether you’re on the 10% or the 15% discount rate.” Any questions to ggwidcombe@gmail.com Charity Bop at St Mark’s – 4 February 2023: You might be interested in: Best wishes for 2023 Jeremy Boss and the WA main committee Social Media Links Stay in contact with your community and follow what is going on: Website: www.widcombeassociation.org.uk Instagram: widcombeassociation Twitter: @widcombe_bath Facebook: @widcombe |