The Widcombe Association
Garden for Wildlife – Wednesday 15 February at 7.30 on zoom
Penny Richards will talk about the key principles of gardening for wildlife. This talk is free but you will need to register to receive the zoom link. We hope you will donate towards the costs when you book via this link: https://widcombe-association.whitefuse.net/events/penny-richards-zoom-talk
Eco Poster Competition
Please note that the deadline for submission of entries has been extended to 28 February so there is still time to design a poster.
Reception at Mayor’s Parlour
Members of WA attended the Mayor of Bath’s parlour in recognition of the volunteer efforts to improve Widcombe through planting, verge improvement and other activities as recognised by the In Your Neighbourhood outstanding award. The Friends of Lyncombe Hill Fields were invited there the week before, so Widcombe is being well represented and recognised.
Paragon School
There was a recent meeting between the school and local community which was very positive. It seems that not everyone around the school was invited so if you would like to be involved in future gatherings please email Emily Hughes at the school – ehughes@priorparkschools.com
The main issue for discussion was the large number of vehicles on local roads every morning and evening taking pupils to and from the school, and their impact on local residents. An embryo travel plan has been prepared by the school, and a group involving both local residents and Paragon staff is being formed to help develop this plan. A member of the WA committee will be part of that group.
Prior Park Gardens Lower Entrance
Members have been asking when the lower entrance to Prior Park Gardens will re-open. We have had the following response from the National Trust:
“We are also really eager to re-open the lower entrance. The thing that is holding us back is that we need to relocate our Tea Shed back to the position near the lakes as our member of staff in the Tea Shed is the person who can scan in membership cards / take admissions fees. The old Tea Shed in this location is falling over and so the plan is to replace this, but it will require planning. Our priority has had to be the completion of the engineering works and the reinstatement of the garden, but we’re hoping to have a planning application in shortly for the Tea Shed. However, it will be some months before this is approved and we are able to install the new Tea Shed and open up the lower entrance.”
River Avon Litter Pick
Some of you took part in this event last year for which , many thanks. This will be repeated this year on Saturday 18 March from 10am to 12noon probably meeting at the Sports Centre. If you would like to be involved please email the Secretary – secretary@widcombeassociation.org.uk
who will ensure you are contacted with details closer to the date.
Art Trail
The Widcombe Art Trail this year will be held on 17th and 18th June. If you or anyone you know would be interested in taking part, please contact Pippa Wrigley by email at : mandp@wrigleyrosebank.co.uk
Social Media Links
Stay in contact with your community and follow what is going on:
Website: www.widcombeassociation.org.uk
Instagram: widcombeassociation
Twitter: @widcombe_bath
Facebook: @widcombe |