Dear Widcombe Association member
Covid 19
Sadly, but predictably, we are now back in lockdown with all that that entails. It will be a difficult few weeks for our personal members and those businesses which are now closed. Some businesses will be offering online services so please check if this is the case as it would be good to offer them some support.
Garden Club
John Tucker will be talking about the use of artwork in your garden at a Garden Club Zoom meeting on Wednesday 20 January at 7.30p.m. If you want to join this event please go to the Widcombe Association website for details – www . widcombeassociation . org . uk/events
Widcombe Mummers New Years Day Performance
If you missed this you can see it on You Tube – https://youtu . be/f9f8uGy9MXc. Or visit Widcombe Mummers website and follow the link to New Years Day 2021 performance.
Bath City Centre Consultation – Reminder about deadline for responses
The Council is currently consulting on a proposal to extend the area within the City Centre covered by restrictions on access for vehicles. The reasons are to improve security and it is the result of joint working between the Council and the Police. The consultation is open to everyone and can be found on bathnes . gov . uk/citycentresecurity and runs until the 15thJanuary 2021. There is a video and brochure to explain the proposals.”
Tempo Escape Rooms – Special Offer for Widcombe Association Members
The Temperance Hall at the bottom of St Marks Road is under new ownership and is operating as Tempo Escape Rooms – www . tempobath . com .
A discount of £20 per team is available to Widcombe Association members – to take up this offer book via the website and use the code BATHLOCAL. This offer will be valid for any bookings made before the end of February, but the bookings made by then can be for any time after that date.
Social Media Links
Stay in contact with your community and follow what is going on:
Website: www . widcombeassociation . org . uk
Instagram: widcombeassociation
Twitter: @widcombe_bath
Facebook: @widcombe
Membership Renewal
A reminder that membership renewal was due on 1st January. We hope you will renew but if you haven’t yet done so could you please deal with this. Full details of how to renew were in the December Talking Points.
If you have an existing Direct Debit set up you need take no action.
Payment may be made:
By setting up a Direct Debit: Form can be found on our website at http ://www . widcombeassociation . org . uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/202006-DD-Instruction . pdf.
By credit/debit card via PayPal (no PayPal account necessary). Here’s the link:
http ://groupspaces . com/WidcombeAssociation/public/pay/bill/3742/widcombe-association-household-membership/
By direct bank transfer to:
Widcombe Association
Lloyds Bank
Sort code 30-90-54
Account no 03373687
If you are able to include a reference please insert your postcode.
By cheque:
Payable to the Widcombe Association and sent to:
Ann Ashworth
WA Membership Secretary
Teazel Cottage, 14 Bearfield Buildings, Bradford-on-Avon BA15 1RP
Christmas tree disposal
Please make sure your Christmas Trees are properly disposed of and do not partially block pavements and verges. They can be collected this weekend if you register with Dorothy House scheme at www . charityxmastreecollection . com or at your next BANES garden waste collection day. These recommence from the 18th January.
Best wishes and take care
Jeremy & the WA Committee |