Rossiter Road – We have asked urgently for more news on the programming for the work on Rossiter Road, to enable our trading community to plan their lives. It is hoped that the work on the Parade will be finished by the end of this month and that the scheme will be completed by the end of April.
Improving Widcombe – A second well-attended meeting on ‘Improving Widcombe’ was held on January 27th when we were able to start to consolidate our ideas and ask people to sign up for areas in which they had an interest. These included; connecting various groups in the community through shared activities and endeavours; transport; entry to Widcombe; canal and river; the Parade; and ‘green’ Widcombe, the latter to include sustainability, the natural environment and urban design. If you have not already attended one of these meetings and would like to learn more, please contact WA Secretary.
Halfpenny Bridge Lights – Subject to approval from listed buildings and the council ecology officer, it is hoped that lighting will soon be installed on the bridge. Dimmable lights will be fixed under the parapet in such a way as to be virtually vandal-proof. These will enhance the look of the bridge and should make pedestrians feel more secure when using the bridge at night.
Membership – Our Membership Secretary, Ann Ashworth, has been busy sending out the membership cards and stickers for this year. As you will know, the subscription is now £10. Most members have updated their payments. If you have not yet paid, this is a reminder to you to do so. A number of members are still paying by standing order, which will need to be changed to the correct amount, and the difference for 2015 paid.
EEW – EEW continues to do sterling work with its thermal imaging project and its collaboration with local schools on energy saving. They will be submitting their ideas on energy efficiency to the ‘Hallraising’ team at Widcombe Junior School to help with the design of this exciting new facility.
AGM – A reminder that we are planning to hold our AGM in the Baptist Church at 7.30pm on April 23 rd when we will be inviting candidates for election as Widcombe councillors to take part in a brief hustings.