The 2015 AGM was notable for three main reasons: an end to Paddy Doyle’s chairmanship of four years, a presentation by the President of Widcombe Social Club Sir Peter Hendy on progress with the building of the new club premises, and a hustings with seven of the candidates for Council elections on 7th May: the two sitting Lib Dem councillors Ian Gilchrist and Ben Stevens, Conservatives Brook Whelan and Jasper Becker, Labour’s Bernard Morgan and Independents Joy Goldsmith and Casey Nolan.
Jeremy Boss was re-elected as treasurer and also elected as Vice Chairman to take over from Paddy. Marilyn Phillips was re-elected as Examiner of Accounts. The Association is now looking for a treasurer to allow Jeremy to take over the Chair; meanwhile he runs the Association in the Vice Chairman role.
Amongst items of interest was the information provided by Mike Wrigley, who now takes over the Rossiter Rd sub-committee from Richard Wales, that the date for the completion of the scheme put forward by the contractor is now 8th May (originally end November 2104!). Mike also expressed on behalf of the membership his gratitude to Richard and appreciation of his amazingly skilful and successful work on the scheme over the last seven years.
At the hustings the two sitting councillors were, unsurprisingly, given a tough time by some members present who expressed their anger and frustration at delays to the Rossiter Rd scheme.
Read the full minutes. (Photos by Phil Bendall)