Improving Widcombe – We are holding a meeting on December 16th (7.30 in Widcombe Baptist Church hall) to discuss ideas for improving Widcombe and setting up an ‘Improving Widcombe’ committee. Full details have been sent to all WA members. Do come along and help us create an Association that can do even more for Widcombe
and its community.
Widcombe Street Party – Plans are underway for the celebration of our new look Parade. This event, organised by Chris Rogers, is planned to be a street party for the Widcombe community with food, entertainment and music. Do let us know if you are willing to help in any way, or have any suggestions for this landmark event in the Widcombe calendar.
EEW – EEW continues its excellent work with an on-going project on thermal imaging assessments in 30 homes and continuing work with the local schools. Bids for funding are being made to the Big Lottery Fund and St John’s Hospital Small Community Fund. After two very successful years as Administrator, Claire Powell has decided to move on. EEW has already been able to appoint Kate Mitchell as her successor.
Widcombe Junior School – Members of the WA committee had a very positive meeting at Widcombe Junior School with members of the ‘Hall Raising’ Committee. Fund raising for the considerable sum required to extend the school hall and provide facilities capable of producing hot meals for the children are already well under way. The improved space will provide an excellent venue for community activities. The Association will be working closely with the School to support this enterprise.
St Mark’s old school – Plans are in train to redevelop this site to provide six to eight town houses. Following a meeting with the current tenant and the architect, WA is recommending that Bath Preservation Trust be consulted as a next step.
Memberships – Farewell to our Vice-Chairman, Jeroen Weimar. At our meeting on Tuesday, we said farewell to Jeroen, who is moving to Melbourne, Australia. During his time on the committee, Jeroen’s incisive and forward thinking has been invaluable and he has been key in helping us make plans for the future structure of W.A. We wish him and his family all the very best for the future.