45 people, including WA members, committee members and other interested parties attended this meeting, which had arisen from proposals to restructure the way the WA is organised to ensure that the Association can meet its aims of making Widcombe vibrant, prosperous, community-minded and cohesive. It is intended to set up new sub-committees under the main committee of which the ‘Improving Widcombe’ group will be one. This will look to the future following the completion of the work on the Parade. Although there was no direct trader voice at the meeting, it was acknowledged that successful trading is vital to Widcombe.
A map showing the Widcombe Ward boundaries was displayed and WA Chairman Paddy Doyle explained that the area of interest to WA is currently that part of the ward to the east of Wellsway.
Many ideas were put forward and about 30 of the attendees put their names forward to further investigate how we can make these ideas a reality and put some structure on our efforts.
It was decided to put our efforts into three categories:
People (how we interact and ensure inclusivity, look after young, old and lesser abled, and ensure that all sectors of the community are involved)
Purpose (the Widcombe ‘brand’, how we present ourselves, what be want to achieve as a community)
Place (how we appear to the World, making Widcombe’s environment as pleasant as possible and attracting visitors across the river to maintain a vibrant society)
Notes of the meeting are here.