This meeting was convened by the WA in conjunction with the Greenway Lane Area Residents’ Forum (GLARF), and was chaired by WA ChairmanRichard Wales; the GLARF Chairman, Martin Broadbent, being unavoidably unavailable. The meeting was well-attended not only by residents, but by Adrian Roper, Regional Director of Sustrans, who gave the formal presentation and fielded most of the questions; Malcolm Shepherd, Chief Executive of Sustrans; local councillors Ian Gilchrist and Brook Whelan; B&NES director for Planning and Transport Development David Trigwell, and police representatives Inspector Stephen Mildren and PC Malcolm Webley.
Main points raised by concerned residents concerned security, and increase in traffic and parking in the Lyncombe Vale area. These concerns were addressed by Adrian Roper, who said that the tunnels would have mobile phone reception, and in answer to a request from the floor, that the Devonshire tunnel would also be fitted with a cctv system, as well as the main Combe Down tunnel. Lights in the tunnels will be on all day, and have infra-red sensors at night. The tunnels would be gated during the construction phase , and in response to a query from the floor, Adrian said the gates could be retained, and moreover, on being pressed by Councillor Whelan, promised that there would be a written undertaking that the tunnels would be closed if necessary.
Most attending felt that the meeting had been a constructive one, with many residents’ fears addressed. The WA and GLARF will continue to monitor progress and hold regular meetings with Sustrans.