Widcombe Audience votes to stay in the EU!
An audience of well over 100 attended the BREXIT debate organised by WA committee member Chris Rogers in Widcombe Baptist Church on Thursday 2nd June 2016. Speaking for the motion “This house believes that the United Kingdom is Stronger In the European Union – and not Better Off Out” were Bath’s MP Ben Howlett and Bath-based business owner Jay Risbridger (at right). Speaking against were local resident and former Chairman of the WA, Richard Wales, and leading local UKIP spokesman Dan Evans – seen above.
A lively and at times passionate debate ensued – ably chaired by Bob Constantine, ITV’s political editor in the West – with the speakers being questioned and cross-examined by audience members in the presence of ITV television news cameras. The event was given extensive air play on the ITV regional news programme at 6 o’clock on Friday, with audience members giving their views after the debate.
At the beginning of the debate 62% of the audience supported the motion (Stronger In) with 21% against (Better Off Out). By the end of the debate one half of the 17% who were undecided chose to go with the Stronger In lobby, with only one person being persuaded to join with the Better Off Out campaigners. The result was a 9% swing in favour of the motion with final figures of 71% for, 21% against and 8% still undecided.
Many thanks to all who participated and helped organise, and to the Widcombe Baptists for the use of their church and facilities.