As you may know, we have been trying to get long lasting improvements to the towpath between Bathwick Hill and Deep Lock for many years. The Canal and River Trust have now submitted a CIL (community infrastructure levy) application for funds to move this project forward. The WA, alongside other local residents associations, has already written in support of the project.
We now need your support to help ensure this scheme goes ahead.
The Council are running a consultation to see which of the 13 projects which have applied for funds should be supported. The consultation can be accessed here https://beta.bathnes.gov.uk/cil-funding-applications-consultation. The project to click on is Bathwick Towpath Improvement Project and the more support we can gather the more chance we have of success. The consultation closes on 22 July and your support would be much appreciated.
Please register your views.
Best wishes
Jeremy Boss and the WA main committee
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Website: www.widcombeassociation.org.uk
Instagram: widcombeassociation
Twitter: @widcombe_bath
Facebook: @widcombe