Updated May 2021

As we finally ease restrictions and return to something near normal please continue to be aware of and support your neighbours and local businesses.  With COVID rates rising again in B&NES please take appropriate precautions and respect those around you who may still be feeling unsure or vulnerable.  Thank you again to everyone who has helped us through this difficult time by being community minded and supporting our neighbours and local businesses.

Updated December 2020

As we go back down into lockdown please continue to support your neighbours and our local businesses.  If you need any support please contact us as mentioned  below..

Updated 10 October 2020


We are aware that the virus is remerging across the UK.  Whilst, as I write, Bath remains at Medium Risk it is clear the risks are growing.  We need to take care and remain vigilant.  Widcombe, Bathwick & Claverton combined area has been identified as the highest growth area in Somerset, certainly due to CVID positive cases at the university.


I have added a link updating a map of Covid cases throughout England. It is worth zooming in on Bath and our part of it in particular. https://www . arcgis . com/apps/webappviewer/index . html?id=47574f7a6e454dc6a42c5f6912ed7076 

Also the University of Bath has issued the note below. The link included provides details of COVID updates including daily case statistics.

Dear local residents, I hope this message finds you well. As you know, we have some cases of Covid-19 amongst our University community. We have received a few queries from local residents wanting more information. As you’d expect, we are taking this situation very seriously and we’re holding daily meetings both to monitor the situation and implement all the actions needed to support our University community. Now that advice from public health officials has evolved, we are making the data for cases amongst staff and students available on this webpage:www . bath . ac . uk/campaigns/daily-covid-19-statistics/This page details new, daily reported cases amongst staff and students in Bath and also outlines our processes and guidance for self-isolation. We will be updating this page every day by midday, to be as transparent and up to date as possible in the information we are sharing. However, we will not be sharing information that may lead to individuals being identified, as I’m sure you will appreciate. We have robust support systems in place for self-isolating households in University accommodation, including:
• The provision of three meals and snacks every day
• A central hub of support for any other needs such as food and medicine or access to technology, staffed 24/7
• Laundry services
• Additional virtual exercise classes being provided by Team Bath
• Wellbeing support in place for those who need it.
This should enable students to self-isolate comfortably for 14 days, and we are being very clear about the gravity of the situation and the need to follow self-isolation rules. I am pleased to report that self-isolating students have been very responsible to date. I do hope this is helpful. Best wishes, Professor Bernie Morley Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost

Updated 28 June 2020

We have added some more Widcombe lockdown pictures see our gallery at Widcombe Lockdown gallery

With Widcombe slowly coming back to life please support our local businesses.  More businesses will open up or open up more services from 4 July 2020 following the Government’s guidance for operation. Lets us know of any we have missed.

Widcombe Surgery
Widcombe Pharmacy
COOP – fully open
Bath Spa Florist – Vegetables and flowers
Ring o Bells – Off-licence sales, takeaway Friday – fish and chips, Tuesday – pies
Bikanos – Takeaway
Ruposhi – Takeaway
Bath Botanicals – for hand gel and Gin
White Hart Saturday – Night Takeaway and cook at home meals. Pub & restaurant from 4 July
Prior Park Farm Shop, Pet Shop and Garden Centre
Curtain Exchange
Luca & Fig
A new business is now open in the ex McColls premises – Widcombe High Street Store (one of three stores locally owned in Bath)
Widcombe Deli
Manhattan – Takeaway
Bath Lock & Key
Pump House Cafe (Canal side)
Widcombe Laundrette
Newman’s Joinery
Kitchens of Bath
Great Western Wine
Fine & Dandy from 4 July
Roman City
Bath Student Lets

Updated 3 May 2020

Lockdown continues but our local street level communities are still supporting each other as good neighbours helping people to manage through these difficult times.  As far as I can see the number of calls from Widcombe to the central BANES support line for routine neighbourly support is minimal. Widcombe being largely self supporting.

Its been good see Rainbows appearing across Widcombe, weekly NHS clapping on a Thursday and many local businesses providing support for the local community. The local community spirit in Widcombe is strong.

For more pictures have a look at our Widcombe Lockdown gallery

Remember, If you need support or would like to volunteer please contact Hilary Furlonger, (treasurer@widcombeassociation.org.uk or 07794 922082) or Jeremy Boss (chairman@widcombeassociation.org.uk or 01225 484794)



Updated 8 April 2020

Further streets now have Community Coordinators bring the list to 46 streets with active support groups all helping each other – amazing!  They are:

Abbey View, Abbey View Gardens, Alexandra Road, Beach Avenue Claverton Down, Broadway, Carlton Rd, Calton Walk, Cambridge Terrace, Caroline Buildings, Cambridge Place, Clarendon Villas, Clarendon Road, Claverton Buildings, Claverton Down Road, Copseland Residents Association, Excelsior Road,  Gordon Road, Greenway Lane, Hatfield Buildings, Holloway & Alton Place, Horseshoe Walk, Lyncombe Hill – Lower, Lyncombe Vale / Southville Terrace, Lyncombe Vale Road, Macauley Buildings & Propect Rd, Perrymead – Lower, Perrymead – Upper, Prior Park Buildings, Prior Park Road, Pultney Gardens, Pultney Grove, Quarry Rock Gardens Park Home, Rainbow’s End, Rosemount Lane, Southcot Place, St Marks Road, St Mary’s Buildings, Tyning, Tyning End, Widcombe Crescent / Church Street, Widcombe Hill, and Woodland Grove Community Group.

The Bath & North East Somerset Council helpline organised by 3SG is now fully operational.  If anyone needs help from government services or to be directed to local; community supports please ring the help line on 0300 247 0050

Updated 25 March 2020

We have had a fabulous response to our request for volunteers and working with other residents associations and groups we have a growing network of street champions.  Many streets are actively working to support each other and the vulnerable households in their area.

If you need support or would like to volunteer please contact Hilary Furlonger, (treasurer@widcombeassociation.org.uk or 07794 922082) or Jeremy Boss (chairman@widcombeassociation.org.uk or 01225 484794)

Street groups already established include:

Alexandra Road, Beach Avenue Claverton Down, Broadway, Carlton Rd, Calton Walk, Cambridge Terrace, Caroline Buildings, Cambridge Place, Clarendon Villas, Clarendon Road, Claverton Buildings, Copseland Residents Association, Gordon Road, Greenway Lane, Hatfield Buildings, Holloway & Alton Place, Horseshoe Walk, Lyncombe Hill – Lower, Lyncombe Vale / Southville Terrace, Lyncombe Vale Road, Macauley Buildings & Propect Rd, Perrymead – Lower, Perrymead – Upper, Prior Park Buildings, Prior Park Road, Pultney Gardens, Quarry Rock Gardens Park Home, Rainbow’s End, Southcot Place, St Marks Road, St Mary’s Buildings, Tyning, Tyning End, Widcombe Crescent / Church Street, Widcombe Hill, and Woodland Grove Community Group.

16 March 2020 – Widcombe Association call for community support

We are in extraordinary times with measures that no one has witnessed in our life times.  Being good neighbours is more important than ever. There is no reason to suppose that Widcombe will be spared. We don’t know how badly but it’s not going to be pleasant, so let’s prepare. As well as following official advice there is much that we can do as a community.

The Widcombe Association Committee urge us all:

  • To look after and watch out for each other, in particular those who live alone, are elderly or infirm.
  • To agree mutual support with your neighbours, family and friends to make contact (phone or email) regularly to ensure that everyone is OK and has some personal contact especially if people have to, or choose to, self-isolate.
  • Help could include: shopping, collecting prescription, recycling and disposing of rubbish, keeping informed on latest Government advice and relevant websites or just having a chat.
  • For those locally who find themselves isolated and needing support, with no offers of help from elsewhere, then please contact Hilary Furlonger, (treasurer@widcombeassociation.org.uk or 07794 922082) or Jeremy Boss (chairman@widcombeassociation.org.uk or 01225 484794) who have very kindly volunteered to coordinate support and connect you with a street group or local volunteer.
  • We are seeking to set up a network of champions on street by street level and many residents from across Widcombe have done just that.  We have also been passed names of people who have volunteered to 3SG and BANES-based community charity (see 3sg.org.uk). If you would like to volunteer, especially from those not in the more highly at risk groups, then please contact us.  Is your street in Widcombe already doing something?  Would you be willing to be a contact person for your road or street?  Ideally we would like to have two or more people from each street in Widcombe acting as a point of contact for those in need. If you are willing and able to offer assistance over this difficult period, please get in touch with with Hilary or Jeremy.
  • We want to keep things, where possible as local as possible, directly support to people that often you know and trust already. That way we minimise the risk of scammers seeking to exploit vulnerable residents during what might well be a distressing and confusing time.

It is a time to draw together as a community and support each other.  Do please pass this email on to your local contacts, as this is something for all Widcombe residents, not just WA members.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 Who do I contact if I need help or know of someone who needs help?

A1 In the first instance speak to your immediate neighbours, many have volunteered to help.  If not please call either who will direct you to

Q2  I want to help who do I speak to?

A2  If there is a local street group you know about speak to them first.  If you don’t know who they are then please contact Hilary or Jeremy on the details in Q1 and they will direct you to your local street champion.