This will take place on Thursday 27th April 2017 in Widcombe Junior School at 19:30. The meeting will include normal business and elections. Then there will be short presentations from four of Widcombe’s community assets talking about their plans for their buildings, St Marks Community Centre, Widcombe Social Club, St Matthews and The Widcombe Institute (Natural Theatre Co). This will be followed by the normal drinks and nibbles.
Prior to the meeting (18:30-19:30) Curo will be putting up their South Bath Transport Options exhibition boards (including Cable Car). Please note that there will be no one from Curo or their agents available with the exhibition boards to answer questions or take views.
We hope to see you at the AGM for a lively meeting.
Reminder – Please let us know your views on the cable car
Whilst on the subject of Cable Cars, the WA Committee is asking members to complete a short survey about your views on the Cable Car proposals which we will take into account when deciding the response for the WA on this issue going forward. If you have not done so please complete the survey here.
You are not limited to one vote per household and we encourage anyone who lives in the house to complete a return. Thank you, your views are important.West Mayor – Hustings in Bath
We would also like to inform Widcombe residents of two opportunities to hear the West of England Mayoral candidates. Both are taking place on the 26 April 2017. One, at the Ricoh Suite at Bath Rugby Ground 4-6pm, is organised by BusinessWest and I believe the Chronicle, focusing on economic development. The other one is sponsored by Transition Bath 7.30-9.30pm at BRSLI in Queens Sq, which will focus on the environmental aspect – transport in particular will feature heavily.Both have had acceptances from all 6 candidates.
You can book a place at the RBSLI event at http ://transitionbath . org/event/transition-bath-
west-england-mayoral-hustings/ WA Committee