Dear Widcombe Association Member 5G Telecommunication Mast Planning Application 2002388TEL Located as proposed more or less in the canopy of the still growing London Plane tree (near the former loos) this mast would seriously undermine everyone’s work to enhance Widcombe’s shopping centre. So I was pleased to be forwarded a copy of this message sent by the planning officer to the applicant. “I have been looking into this application and I’m afraid the siting of the 20m mast in this location will have a significant detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the shopping area and this part of the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site and will also have a significant negative impact on the setting of the surrounding grade II listed buildings. There is also no information regarding an arboriculture method statement and tree protection plan. The London plane has special protection as it is situated in the conservation area. The scheme doesn’t comply with policy B4 of the Core Strategy (2014) or policies D2, D4, HE1 and NE6 of the Placemaking Plan (2017). The chosen local artist for the subway mural project is Sarah Ovens, not Owens as I inexplicably wrote in August Talking Points. |