Widcombe Association Committee Talking Points for January 2016
Here is our latest bulletin of current issues.
Improving Widcombe Cycling Group
Tony Shield, who heads up this group, attended our recent meeting and up-dated us on progress to date. The group aims to promote cycling both for pleasure, particularly through Widcombe Wobblers, and as a means of transport. They have forged links with other local cycling bodies. The group is aware of the problems with the cycle lane in Widcombe Parade and will be working with the committee to improve matters. The group is also aware of the potential conflict between cyclists and pedestrians on the shared space between the western end of the Parade and the Toucan crossing of Rossiter Road.
Simon Brown has agreed to join the committee to work alongside Widcombe vet Murray Jones on Trader Liaison. It will be good to have both of them providing the important link between the committee and our local traders. Some of you may know Simon if you have visited ‘Flamingo’ on Widcombe Parade. His wife, artist Amanda Brown, is pictured above at Flamingo’s ‘100 days’ party.
Membership renewal 2016
Fees for 2016 are now due and many thanks to those households who have already renewed their subscription. Fees remain at £10 per household of up to two members.
Members paying by Direct Debit will receive their new labels soon. If you pay by Standing Order, do check that it is for the correct amount and if not, please send in the balance and update the Standing Order for the correct amount.
Otherwise payment can be made by cash or cheque made payable to the Widcombe Association, and sent to the WA Membership Secretary at 10 Widcombe Crescent, Bath BA2 6AH.
It is also possible to pay via PayPal
Councillor Jasper Becker has had a number of requests for seagull-proof rubbish sacks. He has asked the council about this and their response was as follows:
“Due to the ongoing review of the waste collection service, at the moment there are no plans to expand the gull proof bag scheme beyond those areas that have already been issued with them, and therefore we do not plan to sell them to residents. This is something that is being looked at as part of the ongoing service redesign work. We are not aware of an outlet where the sacks can be purchased on an individual basis. A traditional style dustbin may be a more effective, and easier to source, solution for residents as these can be purchased in DIY stores and garden centres. Waste should not be placed loose into the containers (be they bins or sacks) and the collection staff need to be able to reach in and take out the refuse sacks or bags. We cannot collect refuse that is in a wheeled bin.”
Widcombe Welcomes Christmas
Despite the appalling weather, those who came along enjoyed this event. The raffle made a profit of £380, which, as promised, will be donated, to Mercy in Action.
Elected Mayor for Bath
The Elected Mayor for Bath referendum will be held on March 10th. Plans are underway for a ‘Question Time’ style public debate to be held in Widcombe towards the end of February. We will let you have further details as they become available.
Do send us your thoughts, ideas and comments on these or any other issues.
Liz Littlewood (Secretary)