Please find below the main talking points from our main committee meeting on 5 February 2019 Membership Renewal Or you could pay by bank transfer. Details are:
Easiest of all is a Direct Debit (fully protected by your bank). A form is attached. Or, of course, a cheque to our Membership Secretary at 10 Widcombe Crescent, Bath BA2 6AH. Energy Efficient Widcombe February Events Federation of Bath Residents’ Associations (FoBRA) Winter Reception. A convivial meeting of active residents and the City’s movers and shakers. Tuesday 12 February from 6.30 pm at Victoria Art Gallery. Full details attached. Widcombe Wayfarers Walking Wednesdays: 13th February at 10am. Widcombe and a little beyond. Join us for a friendly stroll – making the most of the lovely countryside on our doorstep. Walks start at 10.00am from under the tree at the west end of Widcombe Parade near Halfpenny Bridge. Be prepared for a walk of 90 minutes to 2 hours with a few climbs. Dress for the weather & wear suitable footwear. You might like to bring a flask of tea or coffee. No charge. Widcombe Choir is a no-audition community choir, open to all and no need to have experience to join. We enjoy our singing and through it promote a community, Widcombe, spirit. Under expert musical direction, the range of music is wide and varied. We meet on Monday evenings at 7:30pm in Widcombe Social Club on Widcombe Hill and aim to perform locally several times a year. So why not come and sing with us? Just turn up! Your first ‘taster’ session is free, with a weekly cost thereafter of £7 (student rate: £3) including refreshments. Alan Langton Secretary Widcombe Association |
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