A proposed development on a site on Wells Road, the site of the Great Western Wine premises, is due to be considered by the Council’s Planning Committee.
The proposed development is for 77 co-living studios including communal accommodation and working space, and two commercial units replacing the four units currently on the site. Limited car parking is proposed: three spaces for the commercial units and two for the 77 residential studios.
The Widcombe Association submitted an objection to the application principally on the grounds of scale, impact on the World Heritage site and the excessive over -development of the site. Both our Ward Councillors have objected, as has the Bath Preservation Trust. There were also objections from within the Council’s Planning Department on economic and planning policy grounds, and on the impact the development would have on the Conservation Area and World Heritage Site.
Despite these objections, the recommendation to the Planning Committee is that the application should be approved. The Widcombe Association has registered to speak at the meeting in opposition to the proposal, as has one of our Ward councillors. If anyone wishes to attend the meeting, it will be in the Guildhall on 28 August starting at 11am. The application is the first on the agenda.
There has been an increase recently in the level of anti-social behaviour in and around Widcombe Parade. This is despite the Public Spaces Protection Order that was introduced last year covering both the Parade and the areas around St Matthews Place. The problems have been raised with our Ward Councillors and with the police. It is clear that the shortage of police resources to carry out regular patrols is a contributory factor in the level and nature of the bad behaviour.
A recent meeting was held with the Police and Crime Commissioner, Clare Moody. She is currently holding a consultation and has asked that we publicise it and encourage people to complete her Police & Crime Plan and Funding Survey. The consultation is open until 21 October and the link is https://www.avonandsomerset-pcc.gov.uk/about/police-crime-plan24-29/?utm_source=Stakeholder+email&utm_medium=email&utm_id=PCC.
The children’s play area off Calton Road, the only designated play area in the western part of Widcombe, is in a very poor condition with equipment either having been removed or due to be removed on safety grounds. The Council has no money for refurbishment of replacement of the equipment.
Local residents, with the support of the Widcombe Association and our Ward Councillors, are proposing to make a bid for funding from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in order to rebuild the play area. As part of this bid a survey is being undertaken to find out what residents would like to see in the play area. The notice below gives the details of how to participate in the survey.
Best wishes
Mike Wrigley
Website: http://www.widcombeassociation.org.uk/
Instagram: widcombeassociation
Twitter: @widcombe_bath
Facebook: @widcombe