Widcombe Association urges Changes
The Rossiter Road scheme was finally completed in September, 2015. The Council has indicated that it will carry out a “safety audit” of the scheme six months after completion, in February 2016. The Widcombe Association has asked for a broader based assessment of environmental as well as safety aspects to be included. The Association prepared its own review of the scheme and this was submitted to the Council in December 2015. The review reflected both the Association’s own conclusions on the design and operation of the new arrangements and the views and concerns submitted to the Association by residents of Widcombe. The full WA review can be seen here.
The Council did undertake to use the Association’s review in its own assessment of the scheme. As part of that undertaking, Council officials met Richard Wales and Michael Wrigley (on behalf of the Association) to walk round the scheme and to consider in detail the issues raised in the Association’s review. The meeting was positive on a number of key matters that are referred to below. Other more detailed issues were also considered.
The principal concern is the crossing of Widcombe Hill and Prior Park Road. The Council officials realise that there are genuine concerns over the safety of pedestrians crossing these two roads. A number of measures were discussed including raising the crossings so that they are proud of the road surface, making them a more distinctive colour, and amending their position so that they reflect the desire line of most pedestrian users and are more visible to drivers negotiating the junction. They also agreed to examine the possibility of putting a refuge in the middle of Widcombe Hill. Also, the importance of slowing traffic on both the hills was emphasised. This is important for safety on the crossings, and also for residents along the two roads.
There was considerable debate about the continued problem of vehicles travelling the wrong way through the Parade. Possible changes discussed were the installation of CCTV, moving the NO Entry sign painted on the road onto the roundabout, and amending the junction of A36 and lower Pulteney Road to make a proper kerbed junction from the major road. The Council officials seemed receptive to this latter idea.
The problems with the cycle lane were discussed. The Association requested more blocks with cycle symbols to be laid along the cycle route. Council officials conceded that the signing of the cycle lane was inadequate and misleading, and are prepared to make changes. It was also agreed that the junction with Millbrook Place should be amended to reduce the risk of collisions between cycles, pedestrians and vehicles leaving Millbrook Place.
We considered the two main junctions on Rossiter Road and discussed ways of reducing the numbers of poles, signs and traffic signal heads. The Council officials accepted that some changes have to be made as some signs are obscured by lighting columns and signal heads.
In carrying out its own review, the Council will conduct traffic counts on the principal roads and on some of the short cuts that were used by drivers during the contract. The Widcombe Association has urged the Council to conduct air quality measurements within the Parade and by the primary school. We believe that improvements in air quality are likely to be one of the biggest benefits of the scheme. The Widcombe Association will maintain contact with the Council as it prepares its review.
Michael Wrigley
Widcombe Association
3rd February 2016