Chairman Paddy Doyle opened the meeting and gave his report which updated what had already appeared in the WA April newsletter. Richard Wales spoke about the latest situation with respect to the Rossiter Rd scheme and brought wall-charts to illustrate the latest design. Paddy’s report covered the Association’s policy re localism, our support for the scheme to stabilise Beechen Cliff, problems caused by the Beechen Cliff School sports field lights, delays to the scheme for a ramp to access the Two Tunnels pathway in Lyncombe Vale, progress made by Energy Efficient Widcombe, and the Association’s support for Widcombe Social Club, assuring the members, however, that WA comments on the proposed development of the Club would have Widcombe’s best interests at heart.
Jeremy Boss presented his Treasurer’s report which found the Association in good financial health. Marilyn Phillips was thanked for her work as examiner of accounts and unanimously re-elected to the post.
The following Committee members were all elected/re-elected:
Rajen Doshi – Traders’ liaison
Hilary Furlonger – Traffic and Highways
Alan Langton – Localism
Richard Wales – Rossiter Rd
New articles 7.2 and 8.4 were unanimously passed for inclusion into the constitution.
Out-going Chairman of Widcombe Social Club Ralph Oswick gave an amusing and informative talk (below) on the history and future plans of Widcombe Social Club and the evening concluded in the usual way with wine and convivial conversation.