Chairman Richard Wales opened the meeting, his final AGM, and reported that the current Council Cabinet, led by Francine Haeberling, was committed to proceeding with the Rossiter Rd scheme. The public consultation had resulted in figures showing 60% for the project and 40% against. Richard felt that we needed further details on how these figures were arrived at so that we could formulate a proper interpretation and response.
He also reported that Sustrans had agreed that there should be a single public consultation, held in Widcombe, to determine the type of access to the Two tunnels Pathway from Lyncombe Vale. Sustrans will undertake all aspects of that consultation, including a leaflet drop.
Richard concluded his remarks by thanking, in their absence, Mayveen Blackwell for her long, varied and excellent service on the committee over many years and to Ro Emsley for five years very efficient work as secretary. Both ladies had been presented with flowers at the committee meeting on April 5 th .
Following the Treasurer’s report, the following officers and committee members were elected:
Chairman Paddy Doyle
Vice Chairman Julian Williams
Secretary Liz Littlewood
Membership Secretary Ann Ashworth
Member Chris Rogers
Member Ozzie ffield
New Chairman Paddy Doyle paid tribute to Richard’s years of service on the committee, initially as Treasurer, where he was responsible for introducing the Direct Debit scheme, and then as Chairman where he set about the task of arranging the redrafting of the WA constitution. He then took over the Rossiter Rd sub-committee, and his under his leadership this committee has become a powerful force which has never taken no for an answer, but has always conducted itself on cordial terms with councillors and council officers alike. That the Rossiter Rd scheme came to public consultation in February was a tribute to Richard and his team and Paddy was pleased to say that Richard had agreed to retain his chairmanship of the sub-committee until the scheme was brought to fruition. In response, Richard said that many others had been involved in bringing the scheme to fruition – including past chairmen and the expert and hard-working members of the sub-committee.
Following the meeting proper there was a hustings involving the six candidates for the local election –
from L to R below (Chairman, Paddy Doyle, standing):
Ian Gilchrist sitting Lib Dem councillor
Don Wallace Conservative
Peter Martin Conservative
Saiful Islam Labour
Sue Bradley Green party
Ben Stevens Lib Dem
Each candidate spoke for three minutes on the subject “What I will do for Widcombe if I am elected”. This was followed by a lively question and answer session from the floor.
The evening concluded with conversation over refreshments. (Photo by Phil Bendall)
2011 AGM Minutes available here
Summary of Accounts for year ending 31 Dec 2010 available here